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Zoom integration

  1. Login to your iSpring Learn account with your login and password. If you don't have an account, you can create a new one
  2. First, you need to enable the Zoom integration. Head to “Settings” on the main menu. Next, sel ect the “Integrations” tab. Click “Enable” under the Zoom logo.
  3. A pop-up window will open up. Click “Sign in with Zoom” and continue to the Zoom website to authorize.
    Note: you will need to use a paid (non-trial) Zoom account.
    Once you’re logged in successfully, you will return to iSpring Learn and a small “Enabled” banner will appear on the Zoom logo.
  4. Let’s create a new web meeting. Navigate to “Events”, click on the “Add” button and sel ect “Web Meeting”.
  5. Fill in the web meeting information and click on the “Save” button. This will create the corresponding entry in the “Meetings” section of your Zoom account.
  6. Now you need to invite participants to the web meeting. Go to the “Participants” tab and click on the “Invite users” button.
  7. Click “Advanced Search” and use the filters in the window to select participants.
  8. Now, you can start the web meeting (click the Start button in the right upper corner). 
  9. After the Zoom client is downloaded and started, participants can join the web meeting fr om their iSpring Learn account. To do that, login to iSpring Learn fr om some other device as one of the participants, navigate to “Events”, click on the web meeting in the Calendar and then click “More”.
  10. Click on the “Join” button to join the web meeting session.
  11. You can end a web meeting either in the Zoom client or iSpring Learn using the Finish (see step 8). Once the web meeting has ended, you can find statistics on participants’ attendance and spent time on the “Participants” tab.