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iSpring Presenter earns one more Gold Award!

We are proud to share the amazing news: iSpring Presenter earned one more Brandon Hall Gold Award for Best Advance in Content Authoring Technology.

E-learning graduation. Laptop, diploma and mortar board

iSpring software has been loved by our users since the very 2007. In 2010 iSpring Presenter won Brandon Hall Gold Award for the first time. And now, 2013 Gold Award joins its “counterpart”.

Our customers can be sure that their e-Learning content is created in one of a kind e-Learning authoring tool! We’ll continue perfecting our products and keeping up with the latest trends in technology and e-Learning to meet all your expectations: the sky is the only limit! Hopefully two Gold Awards for iSpring Presenter is just the beginning.

Thank you Brandon Hall! We highly appreciate to be acknowledged by the leading industry experts and we are thankful to all our clients from all over the world. Thank you for being with us!

Here is the official press-release:
iSpring Earns Gold in 2013 Brandon Hall Group Excellence in Technology Awards.

iSpring Suite

Create online courses and assessments in record time.

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