Here you can find answers to the most popular customer questions on iSpring products.
Flash Output
Is it possible to have a button on a slide that can launch another file?
It’s very easy to do this with PowerPoint and iSpring. On the PowerPoint toolbar, choose the "Insert" tab, then "Shapes" (or any other object you like), and then specify the hyperlink or any other external file for this button.
Which Adobe Flash Player version do I need to play presentations created in iSpring?
Adobe Flash Player is not supported, so courses created using this format will no longer work. If you still have the source files, you can republish your courses in modern HTML5 format. But if you’re using version 6, 7, or 8 of iSpring products, you first need to update the authoring tool to the latest version.
How is a trial version of iSpring SDK different from the full version?
The iSpring SDK evaluation version is fully functional and is identical to the full version in terms of functionality and the quality of the content it produces.
What are the system requirements for using iSpring SDK?
You can check out the system requirements here.
What version of ActionScript is supported by iSpring SDK?
iSpring SDK (version 8 and below) is used to support ActionScript 3.0. Older versions (iSpring SDK 7 and below) are used to support Action Script 2.0.
Is it possible to call the converter from an application written in Java in a Windows environment in any of iSpring products?
Yes, iSpring SDK has a Java wrapper that can be used in Java applications. You can find samples here: {iSpring SDK installation folder}\PPT Conversion SDK\samples\java
What audio formats does iSpring SDK support?
It currently supports audio files in WAV, MP3, and WMA formats.
Why can't I import my audio files?
If you have specified background audio file(s) for a question, but it doesn't appear in your quiz, please make sure that:
- you have specified audio files of iSpring supported file formats: .wav, .wma and .mp3
- your quiz and embedded audio files are located on your local drive (not a network share).
Where can I get the version number and license key of my iSpring SDK?
There are three ways to get the version of your iSpring SDK. Check them out