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Fast LMS perfectly integrated with iSpring Suite Learn more

iSpring Suite Compatibility with the open source 360Learning LMS

iSpring Suite fully supports the most popular LMS content standards: SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, xAPI (Tin Can), and cmi5. We thoroughly tested which of these standards are supported by 360Learning LMS. Please find below a summary of how 360Learning LMS works with iSpring content.

360Learning is a platform compatible with all media and web formats. Reuse your existing resources and leverage the best content available online. Discover lots of innovative formats and produce your own interactive content. Fast.

Create different types of assessments: closed questions or open questions corrected by trainers. You can also create: brainstorming sessions, collaborative activities, business goals to be achieved and exams.

Learning is about human interaction! Place this at the heart of your training strategy… or deactivate various options when you think it’s not the optimal strategy.

Compatibility with iSpring

iSpring format Level of support
SCORM 1.2 Excellent
SCORM 2004 Excellent

Based on our customers' surveys and their experience, we are glad to report how eLearning courses communicate with the LMS:

Additional Features Level of Support
Mobile friendly Excellent
Bookmarking Excellent


How to upload an iSpring course to 360Learning LMS

Step-by-step guide on how to add a course to 360Learning LMS. Log in to your LMS as an admin or publisher and follow these instructions.


Need help with integration?

Leave a message, and we'll be happy to test out your particular LMS configuration, help you upload iSpring courses, or answer any related questions.