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Fast LMS perfectly integrated with iSpring Suite Learn more

iSpring Suite Compatibility with the open source Administrate LMS

iSpring Suite fully supports the most popular LMS content standards: SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, xAPI (Tin Can), and cmi5. We thoroughly tested which of these standards are supported by Administrate LMS. Please find below a summary of how Administrate LMS works with iSpring content.

Administrate offers training providers an integrated, Software as a Service (SaaS) management system. Based in UK (Scotland), the company went public in 2012 and has a lot of customers among large companies.

It is a complex solution and consists of several systems nicely working together. The primary system is called Administrate CORE Training Management System that handles all back office administration: courses, students, instructors, finances and marketing.

Administrate LMS is built on top of the CORE system and inherits all its features. This blended approach lets you generate advanced reports from your LMS and still have an automated email campaign in CRM.

Custom design features have been brought to the ultimate level. You can easily change colors and themes for your LMS environment and have full control of the look and feel via CSS.

The LMS is fully SCORM-compliant and mobile friendly. Using iSpring-made SCORM content in HTML5 format, your courses will play on Apple (iOS) devices just fine!

The system tracks detailed SCORM activities so you can see a question breakdown list which provides pro-level reporting options.

Compatibility with iSpring

iSpring format Level of support
SCORM 1.2 Excellent
SCORM 2004 Excellent

The LMS is fully SCORM-compliant and mobile friendly. Using iSpring-made SCORM content in HTML5 format, your courses will play on computers and mobile devices just fine!

Here is an iSpring course, working in Administrate LMS on a desktop computer:

The course resume function is working fine. All results are saved correctly for both SCORM 1.2 and 2004, giving the highest compatibility rating!

Additional Features Level of Support
Resume feature Excellent
Mobile friendly Excellent
Question details Good*

* - Sometimes details don't include SCORM 1.2 answer bodies, only their IDs

Course report overview

The Administrate system tracks the detailed SCORM activities so you can see a question breakdown list, which provides pro-level reporting options. Take a look at these screenshots that show the detailed question information saved in the system.

SCORM 1.2 question details

SCORM 2004 question details


How to upload an iSpring course to Administrate LMS

Step-by-step guide on how to add a course to Administrate LMS. Log in to your LMS as an admin or publisher and follow these instructions.


Need help with integration?

Leave a message, and we'll be happy to test out your particular LMS configuration, help you upload iSpring courses, or answer any related questions.