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Fast LMS perfectly integrated with iSpring Suite Learn more

iSpring Suite Compatibility with the open source Adobe Captivate Prime LMS

iSpring Suite fully supports the most popular LMS content standards: SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, xAPI (Tin Can), and cmi5. We thoroughly tested which of these standards are supported by Adobe Captivate Prime LMS. Please find below a summary of how Adobe Captivate Prime LMS works with iSpring content.

Experience a modern UI built on single web page architecture. Get easier access to all the power of the LMS without navigating multiple pages. A friendly user interface and fast application performance make working with this LMS a breeze.

Auto-assign learning activities based on dates or events, such as skill achievement, completion, entry, exit, role, and location change. Orchestrate branched learning based on the outcome of the previous learning activity.

Automatically schedule reports, announcements, email notifications, and reminders so that your users do not miss any updates. Promote specific courses, such as compliance or certification, by broadcasting rich media messages to a defined group of users.

Create custom roles with a varied set of administrator privileges that you can delegate to your team. Grant selective access to users that allow them to manage reports, send announcements or author for specific catalogs. Have better access control by granting view, update, delete and manage permissions to users of Adobe Captivate Prime.

Compatibility with iSpring

iSpring format Level of support
SCORM 1.2 Excellent

After conducting several tests with the participation of our customers, we also glad to highlight additionally:

Additional Features Level of Support
Resume Feature Excellent
Mobile friendly Excellent


Get assistance from iSpring geeks

The iSpring geeks can test your iSpring Suite project with your particular LMS configuration. You are welcome to ask any questions on how to make your iSpring and Accord LMS combination work perfectly.