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How to Add a SCORM Course into LatitudeLearning LMS

LatitudeLearning LMS has gone through compliance tests with iSpring learning courses and we can now confirm that it supports SCORM uploading and reporting. Check out how to create a learning package with iSpring.

Just follow this tutorial on how to get your SCORM package into LatitudeLearning LMS:

  1. 1 Make sure that you logged in as an administrator or an instructor and have access to My Learning Center menu.
  2. 2 Select Add Course in the left-hand menu.
  3. 3 Enter a course code, name, description, and other details. Then click on Add Course at the bottom.
  4. 4 In the open dialog window, select to deploy content.
  5. 5 Click on the Choose File button under the SCORM tab, and search for a package on your computer.
  6. 6 After the package has been selected and imported, click on Deploy.
    Here is a sample course launched by a learner:

How to generate reports in LearningLatitude LMS

  1. 1 Make sure that you have rights to generate reports and access to Reports on the Home page.
  2. 2 Click on Reports and a popup with the list of reports appears.
  3. 3 Select Course Enrollment Status Report to see a current status of a course.
    Click on Choose Courses to search for a course to generate a report.
  4. 4 Do search and click on Add to select a course.
  5. 5 After the course is selected, it appears in the Course Basket box.
    Click on Check Out under the Course Basket box to go back to the report settings.
  6. 6 Select the delivery method and click on Run Report.
  7. 7 Here is a sample report (Web view).
    To run a report to review a user’s activity, select User Transcript Audit Report. Click on Choose a User and add a one using the filters as we did before.
    Select the delivery method and click on Run Report.
    Here is a sample report for one user.