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Fast LMS perfectly integrated with iSpring Suite Learn more

iSpring Suite Compatibility with the open source Thinking Cap LMS

iSpring Suite fully supports the most popular LMS content standards: SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, xAPI (Tin Can), and cmi5. We thoroughly tested which of these standards are supported by Thinking Cap LMS. Please find below a summary of how Thinking Cap LMS works with iSpring content.

The brains of the Thinking Cap LMS is all based on your Metadata. You define all the fields that describe Users and Learning Activities and how we get and keep this data up to date. From there you can create sets of rules that govern most operations of the LMS.

For the technologically inclined, you’ll be happy to know Thinking Cap SCORM Certified by the ADL and can run any SCORM 1.2 or 2004 package. You are welcome to use PDF, PowerPoint or videos if you do not have a pre-made SCORM library.

Thinking Cap has the capability to be integrated to your data via a wide range of Web Services and SSO. When that is not an option, there are tools that allow you to modify large sets of data via a clean and quick user interface.

Via a Nomenclature tool and the ability to override any of the translation strings you can customize the LMS to follow your naming conventions.

Compatibility with iSpring

iSpring format Level of support
SCORM 1.2 Excellent
SCORM 2004 Excellent


How to upload an iSpring course to Thinking Cap LMS

Step-by-step guide on how to add a course to Thinking Cap LMS. Log in to your LMS as an admin or publisher and follow these instructions.


Need help with integration?

Leave a message, and we'll be happy to test out your particular LMS configuration, help you upload iSpring courses, or answer any related questions.

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