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iSpring Webinars

Immerse into eLearning

The Top Soft Skills to Stand Out in Instructional Design
January 16, Thursday 11:00 AM EST 1 hour

The Top Soft Skills to Stand Out in Instructional Design

Holly Owens
Instructional Designer
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December 19, Thursday 5:00 PM AEDT 1 hour

Cross-Generation Collaboration: Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z

Audrey Moore
Account Manager APAC & ANZ
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December 17, Tuesday 11:00 AM EST 1 hour

From Idea to Implementation: A Step-by-Step Guide to Course Creation

Holly Owens
Instructional Designer
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Previous webinars

This collection of live expert sessions will help you develop your expertise in a desired topic.
You’re welcome to check out a webinar recording if you’ve missed one.

December 12, Thursday
Secure Your Assessments with iSpring Learn + ProctorEdu Integration
Anastasia Tupitsyna
Anastasia Tupitsyna
Chief Business Development Officer
December 10, Tuesday
Cross-Generation Collaboration: Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z
Natalia Foster
Natalia Foster
Account Manager
December 5, Thursday
Ready, Set, Publish! The 10 Essential Tips for Flawless Course Publishing
Anna Poli
Anna Poli
Instructional Designer at iSpring
December 4, Wednesday
Unlocking Active Learning: The Power of the Flipped Classroom
Dr Lyndon Walker
Dr Lyndon Walker
Statistical consultant and course creator
November 26, Tuesday
No More Cheat Codes: Creating Cheat-Proof Online Assessments
Tatiana Kurt
Tatiana Kurt
iSpring Superfan and Tech Trouble-straight-shooter

What people say about our webinar series

Check out these inspiring testimonials from our awesome webinar attendees!

I like being able to see you and your presenters at the beginning of the presentation…it personalizes the presentation for me and helps me see who is working hard over there to ensure my experience with iSpring is a good one.

Merrick Gulker from the webinar

I've found all of the iSpring webinars I've attended very helpful. Your sessions have definitely shortened my learning curve and opened my eyes to the capabilities of the platform. I look forward to what the team at iSpring has in store for the next one!

Mike Olson from the webinar

Please pass on my thanks to the hosts. This webinar was very informative, and I took away a lot of information at a time when I was attempting to address tablets and phones with my delivery method.

Jim Gibbs from the webinar

Webinars conducted by iSpring are also an important factor for success, as during the webinar we get to some real-life scenarios which we could anticipate in our project as well.

Manoj Kumar from interview

Great value, superior tech support; you truly get more than you pay for in support and webinars.

Sue Peterson from G2Crowd

I came across this software via a random YouTube video. Right after that, I took part in a free webinar, and that aroused the desire to immediately purchase the program; by the way, at a bargain price.

Lyudmila G Koshkaryova from Capterra

I've also had pleasant experiences with the iSpring team during the webinars they conducted, explaining the content and context with clarity and patience. iSpring has their formula just right!

Wan Fahmy from Capterra