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March 31, Thursday

12:00 PM CEST


Digital Learning: 3 Golden Tips + info on the FutureFit Learning Program

Learn how to make digital learning technology really work, for you and for your colleagues/coaches

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In this webinar we will reveal the three Golden Tips to put into action today in your practice of digital coaching, digital learning and the modern world of work.

The range of online learning is growing exponentially. Developing yourself becomes available to everyone in an accessible way. And yet, as beautiful as it sounds, technology and e-Learning don't work alone. To become familiar with the world of online learning, a qualitative guide is needed.

Are you familiar with digital tools and techniques? And how do you determine which tools are relevant for your e-Learning goal?

Seats are limited, so be sure to secure yours right away.

About the presenter

Huub van Zwieten

director TalentFirst Nederland BV

Huub is an entrepreneur and since 2000 CEO of TalentFirst Nederland BV. The more than 4000 customers in 2020 appreciated this with an 8.6. Huub wrote 10 books, a theater show and provides the well-listened podcast 'Fluitend naar je werk'.

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