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June 13, Thursday

11:00 AM EDT


How iSpring Helps You Work with Multilingual Teams

Cultural diversity can amplify talents, encourage learning, and strengthen agility within teams. In order to promote open communication, we want to make sure everyone is heard and understood.

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Alex Sovereign will guide you through the common issues multilingual teams face daily. He’ll show you how to adapt to languages and cultures with just a few clicks in iSpring Suite Max. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills in cross-cultural collaboration!

You will learn:

  • The benefits and challenges of multilingual teams
  • How to streamline eLearning translation and localization with iSpring Suite
  • How to ensure the quality of translation with TMS (translation management systems) integrations
  • How to set up the iSpring Learn LMS in 28 languages

This session will be especially useful for:

  • Instructional designers
  • Course developers
  • Teachers and professors
  • Business-oriented HR professionals

All attendees will receive:

  • A certificate of attendance
  • A recording of the webinar

Reserve your spot now and attend for free!

About the presenter

Alex Sovereign

Account Manager

As an account executive at iSpring, I specialize in providing HRs and L&Ds with powerful eLearning tools that streamline workflows, boost employee productivity, ensure full compliance, and significantly reduce training costs.

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See more webinars

June 27, Thursday
Daniel Zebian Senior quality assurance & training manager
The State of Online Corporate Training in 2024: Insights for Better Training

Trends, approaches, and challenges in corporate training continuously evolve, and organizations must adapt to provide quality online learning to their teams. Every year, iSpring conducts comprehensive research to uncover insights that help businesses optimize their training protocols based on industry experience.

June 25, Tuesday
Alan iSpring Genius and Tech Geek
How to Build an Online Course Hassle Free Right in Your LMS

Switching between multiple platforms to create and deliver online courses can be exhausting, especially when you need to get employee training up and running as quickly as possible. But don't worry, we've got a better solution.

In our upcoming webinar session, Alan, a Technical Support Engineer at iSpring, will show you how to create a concise and engaging page-like course in just 30 minutes, directly in the iSpring Learn LMS.

June 20, Thursday
Natalia Foster Account Manager
Driven by Your Needs, Learners, and AI — Meet the New iSpring Suite 11.7

There are three things you can watch forever: fire burning, water falling, and iSpring Suite surpassing itself every time, becoming even more focused on course developers and their learners! 

In this webinar, we’ll discuss and showcase the latest enhancements in both the desktop and cloud parts of iSpring Suite 11.7. So, whether you’re a current user or just looking for a comprehensive eLearning authoring tool, feel free to join us!

A special goodie for all participants: we’ve got a Wheel of Fortune, check out the prizes below!
