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A.D.A.M.: unveiling iSpring power to the full

Determined to create a superb presentation? Then you’re probably looking for inspiration. We’ve got everything you need: powerful authoring tool and eye-catching demos to be inspired by. Take advantage of the both. Plus now we’ve got even more captivating demo presentations. You’re welcome to take a look at the newest ones.

They were created by A.D.A.M., a business unit of Ebix, Inc., a leading international supplier of on-demand software for medical education. Being true professionals in the sphere, A.D.A.M. developers have generated media-rich e-Learning courses that represent all authoring options provided by iSpring: check out all the multimedia, voice overs, transitions and built-in interactive quizzes.

“I’m one of the iSpring developers for A.D.A.M. Been using it since version 7 has been in beta and I LOVE IT!
Hope to see new features and wish you guys success! It’s an awesome tool.”


Mike Cerantola

Production Manager
Flash/HTML5 e-Learning, A.D.A.M., a business unit of Ebix

We’re sure that this demo, designed by medical professionals, will not only impress you with its look, but will also awake a keen interest in Anatomy!


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We’re looking forward to hearing from you about YOUR awesome presentations!