Adult Learning Theories: Everything You Need to Know
Understanding adult learning is as much a trend these days as it is a necessity. But what exactly is adult...
You’re using an older browser version. Update to the latest version of Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge for the best site experience. You are using an outdated browser, so there may be issues with displaying the page. To make the website work correctly, use the latest version of one of these browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
Understanding adult learning is as much a trend these days as it is a necessity. But what exactly is adult...
What do educational institutions, billion-dollar enterprises, retail stores, and coffee shops have in common? They all use a learning management...
The online training industry has seen rapid growth, especially since 2020, reshaping the way we learn and develop new skills...
Whether you’re a content creator or an L&D enthusiast, understanding SCORM compliance is fundamental to the success of your online...
This article will provide a comprehensive comparison of cmi5 and SCORM. You’ll learn about the functionalities, compatibility, as well as...
Whether you’re a seasoned eLearning content creator or a newbie, you might have come across the acronyms SCORM and AICC...
eLearning is a dynamic industry that boasts big technological advancements and innovative approaches – and this year has been...
Summary: This comprehensive article covers everything there is to know about what SCORM, SCORM conformance, and a SCORM file (package)...
The drive to stay competitive motivates companies to invest heavily in their most valuable asset: their people. According to research...
We’ve all been there: a class in high school or college that bored us to death. We felt disengaged and...
If you’re involved in L&D, you’ve probably come up against this common conundrum: xAPI vs. SCORM. These two eLearning standards...
From snail-mail correspondence courses to comprehensive digital training, distance learning has come a long way and has now reached its...
Have you ever tried to assemble a piece of furniture, only to end up with a pile of parts and...
Fun fact: the average company has a staggering 254 SaaS apps. And this number increases to 364 for enterprises. However...
So, you’re working from home. You’ve probably already read a bunch of posts on how to adjust yourself to a...
Does eLearning seem to involve a never-ending tsunami of terminology? We get you. And that’s why we ‘amassed’ this glossary…...
Do you want to grow continuously as an eLearning professional or an instructional designer and stay on top of the...