Turn Ordinary Documents Into Engaging Interactive E-Books
Meet Books, the newest tool in iSpring Suite! Now, you can quickly turn your office documents into interactive e-books with...
You’re using an older browser version. Update to the latest version of Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge for the best site experience. You are using an outdated browser, so there may be issues with displaying the page. To make the website work correctly, use the latest version of one of these browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.
Meet Books, the newest tool in iSpring Suite! Now, you can quickly turn your office documents into interactive e-books with...
Designing Digitally is a development company that creates gamified e-Learning experiences and custom serious games for large-scale clients. Andrew Hughes...
Classical conditioning, also known as Pavlovian conditioning, has roots in the behaviorist movement in psychology, dating back to 1902. It...
Creative people have more fun. They come up with new ideas and with new ways of doing things; they are...
Classical conditioning is a concept that was first coined by Ivan Pavlov in 1903. Anyone who has taken a Psych...
Well, quite a bit actually. Malcolm Knowles brought to life the term “andragogy”, which means “adult learning”. His theories are...
Are you a multitasker? You could be subjecting yourself to cognitive overload. While some of us hold ‘being busy’ as...