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Save 25% on iSpring: DevLearn|12 Special Offer

Fully prepared and eager to showcase iSpring at DevLearn 2012, we never made it to Las Vegas, as our flight was cancelled due to weather conditions in New York.

To make up for missing the event, we’re offering 25% off iSpring authoring tools.
Take advantage of the discount until November, 9th.

If you’re one of those who also missed DevLearn|12 for some reason, here is a bunch of articles that will shed some light on this year’s conference.

  1. DevLearn 2012 Enters the Record Books by Bill Brandon of Learning Solutions magazine speaks for itself, showing how big the DevLearn Conference and Expo has become.
  2. The Sudden Insight blog offers a number of summaries of the most interesting DevLearn|12 sessions. Check out their recent posts with the tag #DevLearn.
  3. In his blog, Clark Quinn has posted several nice mindmaps, highlighting the ideas of DevLearn|12 keynote sessions. Posts are also have the #DevLearn tag.

Don’t forget to use your 25% discount and see you at DevLearn next year!

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