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Handy quiz maker
for teachers to create

Handy quiz maker
for teachers to create
daily assessments
final tests
online exams
student surveys

Stay in the loop on your students’ performance. Test them online and get accurate results on their comprehension.

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14 reviews
MS Office 2007, 2010, 2013,
2016, 2019, Office 365
For Windows 10/8/7
32- and 64-bit
Picture 1: Easy-to-use quiz maker by iSpring

Check out these quizzes built with iSpring QuizMaker


Mountain Everest


Geometry Test


Olympic Games


Solar System



Build online quizzes for learning and knowledge checks

Daily assessments

Gauge your students’ learning during a lesson. Check how well they have grasped the new material before moving on.

Prep tests for exams

Encourage your students to review the material for an exam; see which topics they know thoroughly and what they need to work on.

Final tests

Assess how much of the content your students learned at the end of a term, year, semester, or after completing a course.

Icebreaker quizzes

Use a quiz as an engaging interactive activity to start a class or as a fun way to wrap
things up.


Examine what your students know before beginning a new unit or course of study to understand what and how to teach.

Nongraded surveys

Survey your students on their learning experience and identify what is working well and what needs to be improved.

14 question types for accurate testing

With iSpring’s quiz maker for teachers, you have a great variety of questions: from basic multiple-choice and matching to more advanced types like drag-and-drop and hotspot. Simply choose a ready-to-go question template and assemble a quiz in a matter of minutes.

Creating online quizzes is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Add your content

Pick relevant question templates, type in your questions and answer choices, enhance them with images, audio, or video, and customize the design.

Set testing rules

Set up branching and add feedback slides. Randomize questions and answers, specify the number of attempts allowed, and set scoring rules to create cheat-proof tests.

Collect quiz results

Enable quiz results to be automatically sent to your email, LMS, or server and find out how well your students are doing.

Picture 2: Creating online quizzes is as easy

Use iSpring QuizMaker to its full potential

Explore how to get the most out of this quiz maker for teachers.

Quiz authoring

  • 14 question templates
  • Question pool
  • Answer feedback
  • Info slides
  • Audio- and video-based quizzes
  • Quizzes with equations
  • HTML5, SCORM, xAPI, AICC, cmi5


  • Branching scenarios
  • Scoring rules
  • Question and answer shuffling
  • Number of attempts
  • Time limits
  • Reporting


  • Customizable style and colors
  • Optional themes and layouts
  • Changeable backgrounds
  • Ability to add text blocks and visuals
  • Player customization
  • Animation effects

Incredible value at a reasonable price

iSpring QuizMaker

USD per user/year

Test-drive iSpring QuizMaker

Enjoy full functionality with a free 14-day trial! Start creating quizzes right away!

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