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iSpring Learn Dos and Don’ts


Hello iSpring Learn account owners, this article is to make your experience working with the system smooth and pleasant. Set it up the right way and let Learn work on its own to deliver e-Learning to your students around the world (or around the room).

Admin part

As an account owner, you should know how the system works, be aware of common issues, and learn the right workflows to make system administration simple as pie.

Who is in charge?

You, of course! But also, there are global admins, organization admins (because you can have more than 1 organization in your account), publishers and users in your account.

Learn more about user roles →

Bulk users upload

First, you need to add users to your account. The fastest way is to upload users in bulk via a CSV spreadsheet file. Download the template, fill out the user details list in Excel, save it as a .txt file and upload to your account.

CSV file import into iSpring Learn LMS →


You might also need to instruct your users on where they can get a certificate of completion:

Certificates in Learn →

Domain alias

You can set your own domain name for

How to Setup Domain Alias for iSpring Learn →

Single Sign-On

The iSpring Learn system provides various methods and interfaces that make integration with your system (a website or service) possible.

You can set up Single Sign-On to provide seamless access to Learn through your own website.

Integration of iSpring Learn with your system →

End user part

As a super administrator (aka account owner), you might be bombarded by hundreds of your users (learners) in case of the following issues:

  • A user can’t log in or sign up

  • A user can’t take a course

  • A user can take a course but results aren’t sent

Proxy server and data loss

If some of your learners are using a proxy server to access the system (e.g., in a hotel room), there are a few things you need to take care of to make sure that no statistics are lost:

Data Loss in Learn →

Reset password

Sometimes users cannot remember their passwords, so there’s a Forgot Password link which they can use to reset their password. They need to make sure the iSpring Learn robot email isn’t spam-filtered or blocked. If they still have any issues with resetting passwords, contact our support team.


While viewing courses in Google Chrome, it’s recommended that users don’t run too many tabs so that the content loads faster.

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