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The 6 Best Gamification LMS Picks to Level Up Your Training

Best Gamification LMS

While resistance to training remains one of the key issues that L&Ds struggle with when implementing their programs, finding new ways to captivate learners is essential to foster skill acquisition and achieve a high level of knowledge retention.

If you think your learners are too adult to play games, or the subject matter is too serious to gamify the learning process, you probably haven’t experienced gamification in LMS software. Read on to discover how LMS platforms can benefit you and your learners, and get a complete overview of the best gamification LMS programs to choose from in 2024.

Why Do You Need a Gamified LMS?

Gamification refers to incorporating game techniques into training activities to enhance employee engagement and make routine corporate training more fun. Some of you may be unsure about “playing” with your responsible training projects, but allow us to show you the benefits that gamified LMS platforms bring to the table:

Gamification benefits

Enhance learner engagement

In fact, many apps we use daily are gamified, even those not directly related to learning. Think about your fitness and budgeting apps, habit and productivity trackers, or social media that make us engage with them again and again or receive likes. By applying similar game mechanics to learning, you can turn mundane training into something enjoyable and thus engage learners to achieve more.

And these aren’t just nice words — according to Zippia’s research findings, 70% of the world’s largest 2,000 companies have already implemented a gamification strategy in their training programs. This widespread adoption makes a strong case for taking learning gamification seriously.

Ensure clear progress tracking

Gamified elements like points, badges, and levels serve as visual progress indicators and help learners experience those “small wins” that we all love. They also help break the learning process down into manageable chunks, allowing learners to focus on one goal at a time and have a sense of accomplishment as they progress.

Foster a learning culture

By incorporating gamification elements, you can make learning a habitual part of employees’ daily routines and encourage them to engage more frequently with your learning management system

In the long run, this approach will help you foster a growth mindset throughout the organization and promote lifelong learning by creating a supportive learning environment in which employees are motivated to pursue personal and professional development goals continuously.

6 Common Gamification Features to Look for in an LMS

Most often, gamification features points, badges, leaderboards, and certificates; and sometimes levels and rewards as well:

Common gamification elements

1. Points

Point systems are the cornerstone of any gamification. Everyone likes to see their numbers go up, so they serve as instant feedback for learners and immediate gratification for their efforts. For example, you can award 5 points for completed courses and 10 points when learners pass important assessments, helping them celebrate small victories and inspire learners.

2. Badges

Badges are like digital medals awarded for reaching a specific learning milestone, such as completing courses, hitting certain levels, or tackling challenging tasks. They provide visual recognition of students’ accomplishments, motivating learners to keep going. 

Some gamified learning management systems enable badge customization, so you can create funny badges like “Sales Shark,” “Code Terminator,” “Legal Eagle,” or those tailored to your business specifics.

3. Leaderboards

Leaderboards foster healthy competition among learners. They show who has accumulated the most points or completed more training over a certain period. This inspires them to strive harder and aim for the top spots.

4. Certificates

Certificates of completion are an official way to recognize learners’ achievements. They can be awarded for completing courses, concluding certification programs, or passing exams. Besides increasing motivation, certificates also add value to learners’ resumes because they can be easily shared on social media or attached to professional portfolios.

5. Levels

Much as in a video game, in which players advance to new levels after achieving certain goals, levels in a learning management system encourage students to continue learning. Moving up to a new level is often tied to the number of points a learner has earned, such as advancing after earning every 100 points.

6. Rewards

Points can be integrated into a broader rewards system in which learners can redeem them for a variety of tangible prizes, such as Amazon gift cards, branded company goodies, or partner discounts. This adds another layer of motivation as students work toward a goal.

The 6 Best LMSs with Gamification to Consider

We reviewed numerous platforms to make a short list of the 6 best gamification platforms with plenty of features that will help you make mandatory training more engaging and fun. Click on any platform that seems more relevant to you, or continue to the detailed descriptions.

A quick comparison of the 6 best gamified LMS platforms
LMS platformGamification elements
1. iSpring LearnPoints, custom badges, interactive leaderboards, custom certificates, learning tracks, social learning
2. ParadisoPoints, custom badges, leaderboards, interactive portfolios, leaderboards
3. CentricalPoints and redeemable coins, competitions, leaderboards, tangible rewards, levels
4. TalentLMSPoints, levels, custom badges, leaderboards, rewards
5. Adobe Learning ManagerPoints, badges, leaderboards, certificates
6. AbsorbBadges, leaderboards, custom certificates

1. iSpring Learn

G2 4.6
Capterra 4.7
iSpring Learn gamified LMS

iSpring Learn is a robust LMS that helps companies onboard, upskill, and certify their teams around the globe. Despite its minimalist interface, it offers powerful features like rapid content authoring, smart training automation, in-depth analytics, and numerous learner engagement tools.

Internal experts can quickly create learning materials directly in the LMS and share knowledge with peers. For long-term L&D programs, you can build individual learning tracks with strict navigation, so the next course or module is accessible only when the current one has been completed — just as in games.

With iSpring Learn, users earn points, custom badges, and certificates, and track their progress on interactive leaderboards. Communication is enhanced through chat with instructors, course feedback, and star ratings. Also, there is a corporate news feed where you can share your corporate news, updates, and important announcements to keep your teams engaged and up to date.


  • Super intuitive and easy to use
  • Both cloud and on-premise installation
  • 20+ real-time and scheduled reports on team and individual progress
  • Robust authoring capabilities (built-in course creation tool + seamless integration with iSpring Suite for creating interactive quizzes, role-plays, and training videos)
  • Supports SCORM and xAPI
  • Native mobile apps for both iOS and Android with offline learning support
  • Responsive, award-winning tech support available 24/7 via chat, phone, and email


  • Multi-tenancy not supported
  • No government, non-profit, or academic discounts


The pricing depends on the number of active users (those who access the platform per month):

  • 100 users — $5.27 per user/month
  • 300 users — $4.11 per user/month
  • 500 users — $3.72 per user/month

Billed annually. A free 30-day trial and a live, personalized demo are available.

Best for

This gamified LMS software is ideal for companies selecting their first online training platform or switching to a more intuitive solution. It’s also perfect for organizations that need comprehensive employee training software that offers all the necessary features to create, launch, and evaluate learning initiatives quickly.

iSpring Learn LMS
Achieve 100% training completion rates on the robust and easy to use platform.
Get Free Trial Learn more

2. Paradiso

G2 4.1
Capterra 4.2
Paradiso gamified LMS

Paradiso is a highly customizable LMS with a colorful, eye-catching user interface. It offers a robust suite of features that includes smart training automation, competency frameworks, personalized learning paths, and plenty of training reports and dashboards about everything that happens on the platform. 

As a gamified LMS, it places a strong emphasis on social learning and gamification techniques. You can award points and custom badges for certain behaviors or activities that learners can share on social media or in the LMS’s interactive portfolio. The point system contributes to the leaderboards that allow learners to check their performance against others. 

This learning platform also lets users network in discussion forums, leave comments on learning materials, and participate in chat rooms and video channels.


  • Supports SCORM, AICC, and xAPI
  • Cloud-based and on-premise installation
  • Built-in AI-powered authoring
  • Mobile learning through native mobile apps for iOS and Android
  • Seamlessly integrates with 100+ third-party software, including CRM, video conferencing, and eCommerce tools
  • Supports instructor-led training (ILT)
  • 24/7 technical support
  • White labeling


  • Multi-tenancy support is available for an additional fee
  • The platform is more tailored to medium and large enterprises; it is not an ideal option for small companies and startups


Upon request. This LMS gamification solution provides flexible pricing depending on an organization’s unique needs and requirements. You can choose from the Professional and Enterprise plans, which can be billed monthly or annually.

Best for

The Paradiso gamified LMS can be extremely useful for medium to large organizations (150+ employees) that want a single platform to make both internal and external programs more engaging and personalized.

3. Centrical

G2 4.6
Capterra 4.4
Centrical gamified LMS

Centrical is a fully gamified LMS for onboarding, upskilling, and driving the performance of internal teams. The platform enables built-in content authoring and automated microlearning delivery in the workflow, as well as personalized performance insights and actionable AI recommendations.

Gamification is at the heart of everything in Centrical. You can choose from various game narratives (such as dynamic car races), collect points and badges, reach new levels, and climb the leaderboard. Training managers can set individual interactive challenges and even group learners to create a friendly competition, common goals, and milestones.

This LMS software also encourages peer recognition. You can share badges and kudos in team conversations — and earn points for doing so. Besides awarding points, you can let learners earn redeemable coins that can be exchanged for tangible rewards, such as a company t-shirt, a $50 Starbucks gift card, and more, in the virtual store.


  • AI-powered content authoring, personalized coaching recommendations, and training automation
  • Social learning
  • Regular pulse checks on employee happiness, well-being, and workload
  • Visible KPI targets for tracking employee performance
  • Native integrations with course libraries, HR, and workforce planning software
  • Scheduled coaching conversations
  • Detailed analytics on employee engagement, performance, learning, and well-being


  • No free trial
  • Users complain that the analytics side is a bit more difficult to work with and not as flexible and customizable as it could be


Centrical offers a pay-per-user model. All pricing details are available upon request.

Best for

Centrical is a great LMS gamification solution for organizations looking for a highly gamified LMS for personalized employee coaching and support, helping them manage training by creating a culture of continuous learning and team recognition.

4. TalentLMS

G2 4.6
Capterra 4.7
TalentLMS gamification LMS

TalentLMS is a cloud-based LMS with an easy-to-use interface that provides everything you need to launch online or blended learning for both internal and external teams. It allows you to upload virtually any type of training material and create quizzes directly on the platform for a quick start. All of the learners’ results are conveniently displayed in real-time reports and dynamic visual dashboards.

As a gamification LMS, it allows you to personalize the learning experience with individual learning paths and custom homepages with tailored design and content. You can encourage learner progress and activity by awarding points and badges (for completing a course or even after each log-in) and letting learners upgrade their level every 3,000 points, for example.

If you’re using the learning management system to sell online training courses, you’ll also appreciate rewards: the platform allows you to offer rewards-based discounts on your training products to increase user engagement.


  • Multi-tenancy support (independent learning portals or branches)
  • Unlimited file storage, administrators, and groups
  • Mobile learning (iOS and Android)
  • SSO via Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn
  • Available in 30+ languages
  • Supports SCORM 1.2, xAPI, and cmi5
  • Native integrations with HR, calendars, Zapier, CRM platform, and more
  • eCommerce


  • Customer support isn’t available on holidays
  • Training automation and custom reports aren’t available for companies with fewer than 250 learners


With TalentLMS, you can pay monthly or annually, for either the total number of users or only the active ones. There are five subscription plans to choose from:

  • Starter — $149 for up to 40 active users/month.
  • Basic — $269 for 41–100 active users/month.
  • Plus — $389 for 101–250 active users/month.
  • Premium — $519 for 251–500 active users/month.
  • Enterprise — custom plan, pricing available upon request.

There’s also a forever-free plan (up to 5 users and 10 online courses) with unlimited email support.

Best for

TalentLMS is great if you’re looking for a single gamified learning platform for delivering training programs to employees, customers, or partners, or want to sell training courses online.

5. Adobe Learning Manager

G2 4.0
Capterra 4.3
Adobe Learning Manager gamified LMS

The Adobe Learning Manager is an online training platform that offers a range of features to facilitate personalized learning experiences for employees, partners, and customers. The learning management system provides AI-driven recommendations based on the learner’s skills, interests, and role. It also allows you to create learning paths, track skill development, and monitor overall learner progress through a wide range of reports.

With Adobe’s gamified platform, learners can earn points and badges that can be shared on social media and peer workspaces, and keep an eye on their position on leaderboards. Instructors can also award learners with certificates for completing courses and corporate training programs, monitor expiration dates through reports, and reassign training automatically.

To boost social learning, Adobe also features communities of like-minded learners based on skills, job roles, or topics where they can share ideas and communicate with each other.


  • AI-driven, personalized learning experience
  • Supports instructor-led training (ILT) through an online calendar and integrations with MS Teams and Adobe Connect
  • Mobile learning with offline learning support and a bookmark feature
  • Personalized homepages
  • Multi-tenancy support
  • Integrations with SSO, Salesforce, Workday, and Adobe software, such as the Adobe Captivate authoring tool and Adobe Commerce
  • Learner announcements, reminders, and notifications


  • Nontransparent pricing
  • The LMS interface is somewhat complex and outdated


With the Adobe gamification LMS, you can choose to pay for registered users or active users only. Pricing details are available upon request.

Best for

The Adobe Learning Manager is great if you’re looking for an AI-driven LMS for delivering personalized training programs. It will be super handy if you already use Adobe learning programs and want to enhance your suite for training employees. 

6. Absorb

G2 4.6
Capterra 4.5
Absorb gamified LMS

Absorb is a powerful LMS that helps companies deliver corporate training to employees, customers, and partners. It offers 6 modules for content authoring, AI training personalization, enhancement of learner engagement, in-depth analytics, and even in-app digital adoption, so you can set up an ideal platform for your needs.

Absorb Engage is an additional module with a set of collaborative tools that facilitate the learning experience. You can create custom homepages called billboards with static images, videos, and links and promote informal learning with peer gatherings, discussions, and a corporate newsfeed in a “journal” format.

Learners can earn badges and track progress on leaderboards. Just like on social media, all LMS users have public profiles and an opportunity to rate courses, interact with each other, and share their accomplishments. 


  • Comprehensive training analytics
  • eCommerce
  • SCORM, xAPI, AICC support
  • Mobile learning
  • Built-in generative AI
  • Salesforce, BambooHR, Workday, Zoom, Hubspot CRM integrations, and more
  • 25 languages supported


  • Absorb Engage module isn’t the default and needs to be purchased separately
  • May not be affordable for small businesses and startups
  • Nontransparent pricing


Upon request. The Absorb gamification LMS software provides custom pricing tailored to unique business needs.

Best for

Absorb is a good option for large companies that want a custom training solution to launch employee training or customer and partner learning and development initiatives in a single place.

Gamify eLearning, Amplify Outstanding Training Results

We hope this article helped you understand the numerous benefits that gamification strategy can bring to training results, or at least take a look at gamified learning experiences from a different perspective. Pick the most preferable learning management systems from our list and explore them firsthand during free trials. 

If you don’t know where to start or need an additional consultation before you implement gamification, schedule a free demo of iSpring Learn with our eLearning manager to discuss your training project in more detail and see how iSpring can help.