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iSpring Learn native apps

Mobile apps to deliver courses on the go

Provide your employees with up-to-date training where and when they need it, even offline.


Requirements: iOS 15.0, Android 8.0+
You need an iSpring Learn account to use the apps.

Deliver training just in time, even offline

Employees can save content on mobile devices, and study it at their convenience. The results are tracked offline and sent to the LMS when the connection is restored.


Award learners with points and badges to motivate them break their records, and engage them into a friendly competition with leaderboards.

Certificates of completion

Every time an employee completes a course or a test, you can award them with a certificate right on their mobiles. The certificates can be printed.

Test-drive mobile apps

Start training your employees on the go and boost their productivity.


Requirements: iOS 15.0, Android 8.0+
You need an iSpring Learn account to use the apps.